Not too bad
Could have been better, but your doing good man for your second animation - keep it up!
Not too bad
Could have been better, but your doing good man for your second animation - keep it up!
Thanks! But you didn't tell me how it could have been better... or what you didn't like about it :(
Vulgur, boring and so uncreative
I should really give you zero for this vulgur abomination, but clearly you need a boost to your poor self-esteem to make such twisted drivel so you can have 1 star. Thanks for nothing.
Your welcome!
Extremley limted ability
Understood your still learing flash, your doing okay for a first effort but I can't give you more than 3 stars
Why is it so limited?
Just assking so i don't do the same again
Your no loser!
I think you've just proven to everyone here that your an intellegent, talented artist with great insight. This video may be amateur, but it speaks fathoms to me. Thank you.
Thank YOU for the perfect 10 review. I will always be an amateur but never a loser so long as my works come from the heart :)
Joined on 12/3/09